受太魯閣傳統音樂與西洋古典樂養成的謝皓成(Labaga Taru),為了讓自己族群音樂被更多人看見,帶著樂器踏上紐西蘭北島,遇見傳承與發揚毛利音樂的James Webster,從大自然開始認識毛利音樂,雖然英文不流利,但透過聆聽生活環境中的所有音符,彼此音樂的分享,打破了語言不通的隔閡,雖然身處異鄉,皓成卻感受到如同自己部落般熟悉的溫度。在旅程結束前,皓成創作一首融合毛利與太魯閣樂器創作的歌曲,讓彼此永遠記得遙遠的國度中,永遠有著一位音樂知己。
首播時間:2018年04月29日 週日晚間20:00
重播時間:2018年05月03日 週四下午14:00
2018年05月04日 週五晚間22:00
來自台灣太魯閣族的謝皓成,從小跟著雙親學習太魯閣族樂舞,高中時期進入音樂班學習古典樂,在大學時開始嘗試用不同方式創作與呈現太魯閣族音樂。擔任傳統樂舞藝術團的音樂總監,和同學組成的各種形式交響樂團演出自己的創作,皓成希望太魯閣族音樂能被更多人看見。2017年他帶著自己的樂器,踏出自己的第一步,到紐西蘭北島,拜訪同是南島民族的毛利音樂藝術家James Webster,用著生澀的英文與James一起生活與工作,也隨著James的工作室到鄰近毛利部落進行毛利樂器工作坊,體驗在地文化也分享自己的音樂,透過音樂與生活的交流,堅定皓成對發展太魯閣音樂堅定之心,也開啟了創作的新視野。
Program synopsis
Xie Hao Chen is from the Truku tribe of Taiwan, and has been learning Truku music and dance from both his parents since he was a child. He entered the music department to study Classical music when he started senior high school. During his years in university, he started attempting different ways to create and present Truku music. As the music supervisor of a traditional music and dance troupe, he has embarked on different orchestral collaborations with his classmates. Wanting Truku music to be experienced by more people, in 2017, he took his instruments with him to North Island in New Zealand. He met James Webster, a Maori musician and artist, and lived and worked with him. They went to a a Maori village nearby and held a music workshop, experiencing the richness of the local music while showcasing Hao Chen's own music. Through the numerous exchanges with music and life, Hao Chen's dedication to Truku music has strengthened and his horizons have broadened.
- 旅行者介紹 -
- Traveller Biography -
Since he was young, Hao Chen has been learning Truku music and dance from his father's art troupe. During the third year of senior high school, he decided to go into the music department and learn classical music theory. During university, he used the four notes specific to the Truku tribe to compose "Eye of the Ancestors", winning an creative award from the Ministry of Culture. His strong passion towards developing Truku music has propelled him to learn digital music, bringing in more possibilities within his music creation.
- 部落介紹 -
- About Coromandel -
Coromandel has beautiful natural sceneries and is embraced by the ocean. The North Island of New Zealand is a famous vacation spot in the summers. It takes two hours by ferry from Auckland's Waitematā harbour to get to Coromandel's southern port. On the eastern shore of North Island, there are numerous Maori villages which are passionate about developing and preserving their languages and culture. Apart from the tourist friendly atmosphere, there is an extra dose of Maori culture within the air.
- 部落人物介紹 -
擁有毛利和歐洲血統的James Webster是一名毛利音樂創作人,也是紋身藝術家,善長複合媒材創作,在Coromandel經營工作室,致力於毛利音樂、樂器的傳唱與製作,透過不同型式的合作及演出,將毛利音樂和藝術,從紐西蘭帶往海外,分享給不同文化的朋友們。
- The people of Coromandel -
With both Maori and European ancestries, James Webster is a music composer and a tattoo artist. He is also highly skilled in mixed media art. He has a studio in Coromandel, focusing on the creation and recording of Maori music and instruments. Through various methods of performance and collaboration, he brings Maori art and music from New Zealand to the rest of the world, sharing it with people from different cultures.