About Us
The Indigenous People Cultural Foundation is committed to pass on the indigenous cultural education and operate the indigenous media business since the establishment in 2009. It enthusiastically promotes the communication of indigenous culture and has become one of the crucial forces for the development of indigenous cultures. The foundation also strive for the autonomous operation of Indigenous TV station and the satellite broadcasting license for Taiwan Indigenous TV (TITV) granted in 10/14/2013 was a milestone for the independent operation of the TV station.
【文化行銷部Cultural Marketing Department.】
國際、節目版權聯繫人International Copyright Contacts: 林小姐(Mrs. Lin)
Tel : +886-2-2788-1600 ext.222
新聞與圖像授權聯繫人TITV News & Image Licensing Contact:梁小姐(MS.Liang)
Tel : +886-2-2788-1600 ext.206