• 紐西蘭毛利族參與全原運 體驗傳統項目
    記者 drangadrang kunisi 台北市

    112年全國原住民族運動會24日登場,在本屆的參賽者中有一支特殊的隊伍,來自紐西蘭的毛利代表隊共36人一同共襄盛舉,而且清一色報名原住民族傳統運動中的鋸木、狩獵、競舟、樂舞及傳統射箭等項目。紐西蘭毛利代表隊總領隊Tina Wilson表示,上述運動在紐西蘭並不普及,且紐西蘭跟台灣之間有文化的根源性,大家都想體驗這些文化跟不同的運動項目,所以選擇報名。她說:『We have chosen these all of that traditional indigenous sports that were available. We wanted to come and celebrate the indigenous culture here in Taiwan.  And so doing the traditional woodcutting, traditional hunting, traditional dragon boating, traditional dancing, and archery. These are things that we wouldn't normally do back in Aotearoa or New Zealand, and we wanted to spend some time learning about our cousins here in Taiwan and experiencing their culture.(我們選擇了所有可以用的原住民族傳統運動,並來台灣慶祝原民文化,傳統的木刻、傳統的狩獵、傳統的競舟、傳統的樂舞和傳統射箭也是如此,這些是我們在Aotearoa或紐西蘭平常不會做的運動,所以想花一些時間了解我們在台灣的朋友,並體驗他們的文化。)』

    Tina指出,全台灣各部落地區的族人兩年一次參與全原運是一項壯舉,也希望將這種形式帶回紐西蘭。她說:『It is a wonderful way to bring your people together.Bringing all of the tribes and all of the regions from across Taiwan every two years is a fantastic achievement and something that I think we could share and takeback to New Zealand in this format as well.(這是將族人聚集在一起的絕妙方式,每兩年將台灣所有部落和地區聚集在一起是了不起的成就,我認為我們也可以用這種形式分享並帶回紐西蘭。)』

